No. 10: He’d rent every downtown parking space – including garages – through March 8th.
No. 9: He’d take over the streets with 37 new Outbacks from Subaru of Missoula – or really build an army with 397 of those old green ones he see
No. 8: He’d load up on 125,156 pounds of Good Food Store salad. Or 200,000 milkshakes from the Uptown Diner. Depends on his mood.
No. 7: He’d fill his closet with “406 Montana” T-shirts from The Green Light.
No. 6: He’d keep the holiday spirit alive for at least a few weeks into the new year with 250,000 pints of Cold Smoke from KettleHouse Brewing Company.
No. 5: He’d rent Caras Park and throw a party so huge it’d keep downtown rockin’ til the spring of 2020.
No. 4: He’d grab his ski gear and some warm clothes and head up to Montana Snowbowl, which he secured ALL TO HIMSELF for 33 and a third straight days!
No. 3: He’d buy 666,666 cups of hot coffee from Liquid Planet. No, silly, not all at once – he’d spread it out at LEAST through the first week of the year!
No. 2: The only thing more exciting than a show at Missoula’s historic Wilma Theater is Jack Himself, live and in person at Missoula’s historic Wilma Theater.
No. 1: Finally, more than sleep, more than coffee – more than even himself – Jack loves his sleep. And it wouldn’t get any more comfortable than a “Jack”-sized bed from Mattress Firm.
What’s that? How about 116 of the store’s biggest bed, the California King, stacked end to end! At $8,599 apiece, Jack could cover 703,322 square inches with soft, soft Tempur-Pedic – enough to cover 1/11th the size of a football field!
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